Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tech Tip Tuesday - Download Files for Easy Grading

Most online courses here at Stevenson have students turn in papers and assignments in Word Document form.  This requires the instructor to download the document to view and grade it.

There is a way to do a 'bulk download' which allows the instructor to download all the student papers at once and into one folder for easy grading either offline or maybe on another device such as a tablet.  From here the instructor can grade and mark papers how they are used to doing it.

This quick video tutorial show you how to do that.

I don't want to ruin the surprise but I will say that with the new Blackboard update, that will take place this summer, there are many wonderful changes that will make grading easier.

Stay tuned for more information on that and feel free to sign up for any of the EdTech Events we have scheduled.

1 comment:

  1. Alwilda Scholler-JaquishMarch 19, 2013 at 3:17 PM


    This will be very helpful. Thank you.

