Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tech Tip Tuesday - Copy and Paste

We wanted to bring to your attention an issue that many are facing in their courses.  While the timing is perfect, with the recent BlackBoard update, it actually isn't a BlackBoard issue.  Many of us (including myself) have developed the bad habit of copying and pasting into Blackboard.  In the past this hasn't been a big deal, with the exception of occasional crazy formatting and characters it would give us.

The government is trying to crack down on plagiarism and copy write issues by having web browsers lock down their copy and paste ability.  Firefox, our preferred browser, is especially taking steps to prevent this.  We have seen issues with this mainly in the discussion board area so far.  

Some issues we have seen:
  • The initial discussion board post is copied in and looks fine but any responses are 'blank' even though they typed something
  • A discussion board response is pasted in and becomes 'blank' when saved
This weeks video tutorial, by Nadine Edwards, explains how to correctly insert text into Blackboard to avoid this issue.

If you have already fallen victim to this issue then you are able to fix it yourself with these steps.
  1. When you hover over a 'blank' discussion board post you will see the options to 'Reply, Quote, Edit and Delete' 
  2. Click 'Edit'  *NOTE: Student's, for good reason, do not have the ability to edit a post, only instructors
  3. Copy the post and paste it into Word or an external source
  4. Using the steps in the video tutorial above use the html button in the content editor to paste back in the content
Please feel free to share this with other instructors and your students.  We all need to follow best practices when it comes to copy and paste.

1 comment:

  1. I have never encountered this problem. It may affect adjunct faculty who have much less experience working with Blackboard as it was or as it is now.
